Note: Rally Bar Huddle does not include a remote. Any Rally Bar, Rally Bar Mini, or RoomMate remote can be paired to Rally Bar Huddle. Learn how to pair a remote here: Pairing a Bluetooth remote to Rally Bar Huddle
With Tap IP via CollabOS Relay
This requires:
- Display connected to Rally Bar Huddle
- Tap IP running CollabOS 1.9 or higher (CollabOS 1.13 for Google Meet)
- For Microsoft Teams, Zoom Room users and Google Meet, both devices must have the same subnet IP address
How to Onboard Devices with Relay
LNA (local network access)
This requires:
- The device must have an Ethernet connection (recommended) or Wi-Fi connection with a valid IP address
- Your computer must have a compatible web browser that can access the device IP address through the network. Be sure the device and computer using Local Network Access are on the same IP address and subnet range
Room Compute
If using a room compute: we've put together this helpful guide for setting up your Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Room for the first time and maintaining it going forward: