You can use SCIM to automatically manage End Users in your registered domains. This allows you to sync your identity provider users rather than adding them all by email address manually. The SCIM integration allows automatic provisioning of End-users and groups for the desk booking feature in Logi Tune and Logi Flex Desks. Note that Sync IT-users cannot be provisioned with SCIM.
Get started with the steps below!
First, you can find the SCIM interface under the System icon on the left nav, then click on Account, as shown below.
As a reminder, you will have to already have a domain registered to be able to complete your SCIM provisioning.
Next, by enabling the SCIM provisioning toggle you will see the prompt telling you that a one time use secret token will be generated for you to use with your identity provider.
After you click Enable, you will see the token and shortcuts to copy it to your clipboard.
Once you hit done, that’s it! Use the generated token with your identity provider to complete setup and you will begin to see your end users populated within sync. Find instructions on how to configure your identity provider here.
If you need to - you can always regenerate your token using the refresh button. You can specify when your old token will expire.
After your configuration is complete, your end users can be found under System -> Users. They will be under the sub tab End Users - SCIM. These users cannot be managed within Sync. They must be managed within your identity provider if you wish to remove them.