The following guide is for assisting users with Logitech bundled NUCs. The links below will take you to each article topic and instructions.
Click here for a list of Known Issues: Known Issues.
1. Setup Guidance
1.1 Identify Your NUC / As Built Info
Logitech Bundle Types | Intel NUC Tech Specs | Change Language
This article lists the different Logitech bundled NUCs and their technical specifications.
Listed here are best practices for preventing issues related to displays connected to Logitech bundled NUC systems.
2. Support Information
Open a Ticket for NUC | NUC Bundle RMA Process | NUC Warranty Information | Push Button Reset
Follow these steps so that we may best assist you.
2.2 Installing & Updating BIOS, Software
Logitech bundled NUCs are imaged and licensed to run each specific video conferencing platform.
2.3 Supported BIOS, Firmware, & Drivers
Required Update Order | Driver Sets
Information matrix of supported and compatible NUC Bundle software.
Major Changes | Supported Languages
NUC release for Zoom image.
Major Changes | Supported Languages
NUC release for MTR image.