Logitech Business Support
Editar producto
Register One Product
Gracias por tu ticket. Un miembro de nuestro equipo de asistencia te responderá en breve. Nuestro objetivo es dar respuesta a todos los tickets en el plazo de un día hábil.
Your request has been successfully submitted and your ticket number is as follows:
We aim to return all phone call requests as quickly as possible within business hours, Monday - Friday, but may take up to one business day during times of high demand.
You'll receive an email notification about your ticket shortly. Please reply to that email to share any additional information our support team may need to help diagnose your issue, such as wiring diagrams, or results from troubleshooting already attempted.
We look forward to speaking with you!
Iniciar sesión o crear una cuenta
Opta por solicitar ayuda o enviar un caso de garantía para uno de tus productos Logitech previamente registrados.
Con Mi cuenta puedes registrar tu producto para validar la duración de tu garantía de hardware limitada, ver tu historial de asistencia y permitirnos proporcionarte asistencia más personalizada.
Enter a serial number to register a single product
No hay un número de serie coincidente.
Go to Consumer Support
Not a valid serial number!
Register Multiple Products
Need to register multiple products?
Use our bulk registration tool to register multiple Logitech business products simultaneously.
1. Download the CSV Template.
2. Add your Logitech business product’s Serial Numbers (S/N) and where each is physically installed (optional), for example: Los Angeles Office, Lake View Office, etc.
a. The location can be added or edited in your My Products page when you are logged in.
IMPORTANT: The bulk registration tool is intended only for Logitech-manufactured products found on the business support site's home page, prosupport.logi.com. See below for help finding the correct serial number.
3. Save the CSV file and upload it using the upload tool.
NOTE: You should receive an email with details of your upload, but please bear in mind that it could take some time before you see it in your inbox.
Bulk Registration Tips:
- Only list valid Logitech B2B product serial numbers - some bundles include non-Logitech products (Intel NUCs, Chromeboxes, etc), do not list these
- Serial numbers are generally located on a belly label sticker somewhere on your product
- Ensure you enter the “S/N:” string and not the “P/N:” or “M/N:”
- Use the serial number on the product and not the box
- Serial numbers do not use the letter “O” and instead uses the number “0” (zero)
- Ensure the CSV template format is unchanged - make sure the application you’re using to edit the CSV doesn’t add any additional columns or rows
Upload a CSV
Thank you for submitting your bulk registration, your CSV file has been uploaded successfully. The registration process may take some time and we’ll send you an email when everything is complete.